BD LEMNTECH promotes optimal utilization of resources and environmental protection.
BD LEMNTECH promovează utilizarea optimă a resurselor și protecția mediului înconjurător. Produsele BD Lemntech sunt executate din materiale care îndeplinesc condițiile FSC®, de exploatare forestieră responsabilă. Modul nostru de lucru e în armonie cu această valoare pe care o prețuim: procesul de fabricație, felul în care folosim utilajele, modul în care ne organizăm munca și în care se desfășoară activitatea în fabricile noastre. Poate că noi executăm un proiect astăzi, dar ceea ce facem are impact asupra lumii de mâine.
Massive investments in technology are aimed at producing high-quality products with a low power consumption and small quantities of waste.
With every project we undertake, we build a culture of responsibility, where everyone from our company contributes. We use durable materials every time we have the chance and we have established local partnerships, in order to recycle waste from wood processing. This supplements our own programme of in-house recycling.
BD LEMNTECH uses a wide range of colours and textures of work materials, but, at a closer look you will discover a bit of “green” in every product.
Environmental Policy
As Producer and Developer of Systems/Products of superior quality and as a Responsible Employer, BD Lemntech gives priority to natural, biodegradable materials. All manufacturing processes are designed to produce a small carbon footprint. We strictly adhere to the EU standards of environmental protection.
Our goal is the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. BD Lemntech uses cutting-edge technology, constantly balancing Progress, thus for future generations a Clean Environment for future generations. The foundation of our Environmental derives from BD Lemntech Certifications in the industry. Thanks to the regular analysis of the environmental indicators, we asses and optimise periodically the company’s performance.
Economic responsibility
The BD LEMNTECH team relies on human qualities: reliability and respectful attitude. Sometimes, our word replaces the signature.
We do what we promise by building trusted business relationships.
Workplace responsibility
We take working with materials and industrial equipment very seriously. We make sure that each employee goes home in the same condition as they came in.
Social responsibility and expertise
We are experts in working with wood, being able to shape hardwood. We undertake any interior or exterior fittings projects from the ideation stage to concept, design, production, assembly and maintenance.
We do not leave room for compromise. We value uniqueness: we make products for the advertising industry, where Creativity generates remarkable results.
Responsibility towards the environment
All the activity of BD Lemntech focuses on providing a cleaner Environment and a safer Future for the next Generations.